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demonstration effect中文是什么意思

用"demonstration effect"造句"demonstration effect"怎么读"demonstration effect" in a sentence


  • 示范效果
  • 示范效应
  • 演示效果演示效果


  • Analysis on demonstration effect of subsurface drip irrigation for tomato
  • Analysis on the formation of group demonstration effect in common senior middle school
  • Consultation exercise will have demonstration effect ; once a certain group gets involved , the impacts will reach out to many other groups
  • In part one , the researcher analyzes the literatures , modem and ancient , domestic and foreign , to find that in spite of some challenges of the validity of examples , their demonstration effect is obvious , either from the angle of experience or that of theoretical research
  • By the alliance , the original pre - eminent brand of every branches can show the brand monopoly effect , the demonstration effect , and the inspiration effect of pre - eminent brands to inferior brands , and the localization strategy effect by the multinational companies
  • Some scholars in domestic and foreign have studied sustainable consumption from the consumption mode angle , but mainly researched the citizen consumption mode , but at present many resources wasted and environmental pollution owe to the group consumption , and have demonstration effects and have affected the society enormously , therefore the group consumption mode has be researched by this thesis
  • This paper argues that we should have a correct understanding of the significance of the implementing of the sports fitness project for peasants , bring into play to the largest extent the demonstration effect of the experimental work of the project , have a good plan and construction of it and put more efforts into its supporting serial constructions
  • This paper explains external demonstration effect of implementing logistic support by utilizing contractor in american military ; analyzing spillover - effect of return and reducing effect of transaction cost of contractor trade during the socialization of logistic support ; and making the model analysis of the strategy choice of direct transactions and broker transactions of the socialized military logistic support so as to provide theory support for the further reform of the socialization of logistic support
用"demonstration effect"造句  



Demonstration effects are effects on the behavior of individuals caused by observation of the actions of others and their consequences. The term is particularly used in political science and sociology to describe the fact that developments in one place will often act as a catalyst in another place.
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